Thursday, 3 December 2009

NaNoWriMo Complete

I just can't believe how quickly November flew by but that's probably because my fingers were securely taped to the keyboard. I stuck to my daily target though and am delighted to say that I reached the grand total of 51,000 words by 30th November.

Its amazing how much the deadline concentrated my mind and if there were days when I didn't feel like writing the thought of not reaching the target spurred me on. I've tried setting myself a target number of words to write each day in the past, but there are just days when life gets in the way, or I'm feeling unispired and it just doesn't happen.

But the good thing now is that I know I can do it and so I must continue because although I've written the 50,000, the novel isn't complete. I imagine that a good percentage of what I've written will end up being edited out and so I've set myself a target of 1,000 words a day, five days a week in the hope that this will be more manageable and therefore achieveable.

The trouble though with the NaNoWriMo though is that during November I decided to ignore the other deadline which is Christmas. Unfortunately Christmas is one deadline which is immovable so now I've really got to get my act into gear. Fingers crossed it can get all that done too!

Bye for now and I hope that anyone reading this is managing to get on with Christmas without neglecting their own writing too much.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on completing 50,000 words! I am also very impressed with your target of '1000 words a day, five days a week'. Good luck!

    And there is a little award for you over at my blog. :)


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