Wednesday 4 May 2011

A Royal Wedding and The Middletons

I must say I'm not an obssesive Royalist, but I do believe that the monarchy plays a part in what puts the Great in Britain.  People complain that they are a financial drain on society but when you look at the amount of tourism they bring into the country they also put an awful lot back.  Watching the wedding on Friday I thought it amazing how it brought so many people together. 

What was especially lovely was to see a Royal couple who have taken the time to get to know each other and are genuinely affectionate together.  I wish them joy in their marraige and hope it is a long and happy one.  I think William and Kate will bring new depths to the monarchy and are just what are needed to bring a modernity to the institution.

What is strange for me is the fact that the name Middleton is banded around constantly in the press because that's my  name too.  Unfortunately the name is the only thing we have in common (wouldn't say no to some of their dosh or connections).  My husband's name is Mike and what is really weird is that we chose Catherine as a name for a girl if we had one.  We ended up having two boys instead so there is no current Catherine Middleton in our family (although my husband's grandmother was Catherine Middleton).  But doesn't life play strange tricks on you at times?

I must say though, I'm proud to share their name.  I think they showed an enormous degree of grace and style on Friday befitting of any Royal Wedding.


  1. Fantastic - you have a royal connection! I was in London on the Royal Wedding day and it was lovely to see so many cultures celebrating happily together. I agree that William and Kate look like friends as well as partners, which is always nice to see in any couple.

  2. Hi Jayne

    A very tenuous connection that it is!

    Oh lucky you being in London on the day. I do miss living in London especially on days like this. Mind you there are alot of things I don't miss!



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